Top Supplier FAQs for Links/LinksPLUS
These are the top Frequently Asked Questions about the Classic BidSync Links/LinksPLUS receives from vendors in our system. BidSync Links/Links Plus is the legacy system prior to 2018. This system has been replaced with Periscope S2G; however some suppliers may still be running on the old system.
- How do I register in Links/LinksPLUS?
- How do I add a new user?
- How do I optimize my Links/LinksPLUS notifications?
- How do I reset my password?
- How do I search for bids?
- How do I find a private bid?
- How do I accept documents?
- How do I respond to a bid?
- How can I ask a question on a bid?
- Accessing Tabulation Report
- Why am I getting an error when trying to view the Tabulation Report?
- Where do LinksPLUS bids come from?
- Why am I directed to other bid sites that want to charge me fees to see bids?
- What is the Renewal Policy?