
How do I add a new user?

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Administrators on an account have the ability to manage the other users on their account; this includes adding, deleting, and editing users on the account. When it comes to adding a user to an account, Administrators have two options:


When copying a user, additional setup may be required to ensure that the user receives the correct notifications and has the correct permissions. To add a new user using either method, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the BidSync Classic Login page and click on the blue BidSync Links/LinksPlus button.


  2. Log into the account using the administrator's username and password.
  3. From the homepage, hover the cursor over the Admin option in the menu bar and select Users.


  4. From the users page, follow the instructions below:

To copy a user:

  1. Locate the user that has the existing settings and permissions that need to be copied and click the copy link on the far right of the user's account; copying this user will copy all of the settings and preferences in the Notifications, Regions, Agency Types, and classification sections as well as copy over some of the basic account information.


  2. On the next page, fill in all of the required fields for the user and select the appropriate permissions for the user. At this point, the user needs to have login credentials created; the username must be unique (the email address is always a good option here) and the password needs to have at least eight characters and contain a number (the user will be required to reset the password on their first login). When all the appropriate information has been filled in, type in the password and click Save to keep the changes.


To add a new user from a blank template

  1. From the users page, click the Add New User in the top right-hand section of the page.


  2. On the next page, fill in all of the required fields for the user and select the appropriate permissions for the user. At this point, the user needs to have login credentials created; the username must be unique (the email address is always a good option here) and the password needs to have at least eight characters and contain a number (the user will be required to reset the password on their first login). When all the appropriate information has been filled in, type in the password and click Save to keep the changes.

    When a user is created using the new user button, the administrator may need to update some the settings on the account such as Agency Types, Regions, and classification codes to ensure that the new user will receive the correct notifications; administrators will also need to ensure that the correct permissions are selected on the account as new users do not generally have any permissions selected.


For a video demonstration on adding users (and other administrative options), please review the following:


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