
How can I adjust what is shown within a tabulation report?

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Visibility rules are a way to control what information is available to a vendor after a bid has been opened. These settings control what is visible to the vendor on the default tabulation page that the system can provide for each bid.


There are two possible ways for these settings to be applied to each bid. Each bid type has a default setting, which can be adjusted by having an administrator reach out to one of our Agency Support representatives. The other way is through a bid-specific setting within the bid itself.


To view the bid-specific settings, click on the "Change" link next to the View Rules option:



Once selected, these are the following options: 



Both the drop down options at the top are almost identical, with the difference being whether the bid has been awarded within Periscope Source yet. If an option is shown to display any information, it will consist of the vendor's name, total price, and price of the various line items, in some combination. Both menus have the following options:


Do not show- Shows no information about the responses to the bid.

Only winner/apparent winner- Only shows company name and price for the vendor with the lowest price. 

All bids (don't show prices) - Shows the names of the vendors that responded, but no pricing information. 

All bids - Shows the vendors name, total price for their response, and pricing for each line item.


In addition, the first menu will have the option for "All bids (total price only)", which shows all the vendors that responded as well as the grand total, but not the individual pricing.


The checkboxes below will control additional options of what can be shown after a bid has ended. Of special note is the final option, which will set the bid so that the bid number, title, and description are visible in the site, but all of the other information is hidden. Please note that this applies to both suppliers and buyers alike, so only choose this option if no one should have access to the information. 

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