
New Account Relevancy

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Setting up your initial keywords is part of the flow when verifying your account. After selecting keywords (and including any negative words to help narrow the results), using a simple Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down, you can teach the tool to improve the relevancy of your search results and notifications.

  1. Based on your keywords, correlating bid titles are displayed with the option below to select Thumbs Up on confirmed relevant opportunities and Thumbs Down on non-applicable bids you would not like to see in notifications or searches:

  2. After the 5th bid result, the initial Bid Profile is complete. Further options include: A link to the Bid List (to take a look at the available bids in the system which match up to your previously chosen keywords or to use filtering options to run a manual search); a link to further tune bid relevancy again (going through 5 more samples with the same Thumbs options); and, a link to continue setting up your business profile with commodity codes to help index your organization for Agency users to locate your business in the system:

  3. Similar functionality is found within the search pages. Using the Thumbs Up/Down feature, continue to teach the tool which bids are the most relevant to you and improve the notifications sent directly to your inbox as you peruse the Bid List:

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