
About Periscope

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Periscope connects a vast network of vendors and suppliers to agencies and organizations in need of products and services with our Periscope Source solution and our Periscope S2G (supplier to government) Limitedand Premium bid notification services.


About Periscope Limited & Premium

Suppliers get active URLs of opportunities from agencies delivered directly to their email box daily. The Supplier to Government (S2G) network also provides SaaS-based electronic procurement management solutions to public agencies and private organizations across North America.

About Periscope Source

Periscope Source helps agencies organize, automate and manage their entire procurement and purchasing processes, helping to save up to 90% of bid management time.

A History of Commitment

Since 1999, we have been committed to providing high quality electronic bid notification and eProcurement solutions. Our friendly and caring support staff answers user questions quickly and thoroughly.

Periscope S2G has proven to be an industry leader in government agency bid notification. Our strength is generated from our commitment to our customers, industry, and community. Periscope is a proud member of the Texas Association of Counties as well as various other industry organizations and associations, proving our dedication to leading with integrity, innovation, client satisfaction, and financial strength.

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