
What are the account permissions?

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This article will describe general Periscope Source™ permissions. An agency may have less or more permissions depending on the contract with Periscope Holdings.


General/Misc will include any general permission a user can have access to. It may also include permissions that were not easily categorized.

Edit Agency Dept Information: This permission allows a user to create new departments within their own agency.

Administer Vendors: This permission allows a user to create and edit Quick Add suppliers.

Edit Agency Information: This permission gives a user access to the Admin tool. The user will be able to edit all of the agency’s information as well as setting up users, delivery locations, approval rules and bid advertisements.

Manage Terms And Conditions: This permission allows a user to upload new terms and manage all current terms.

Delivery Location Admin: This permission allows a user to change and manage the delivery locations on their account.

Qualification Admin - View Only: This permission allows a user to view the agency’s qualifications. This permission can be assigned to a user that doesn’t have normal agency admin permissions so that they can view the qualification information.

Qualification Admin - View/Edit: This permission allows a user to edit the agency’s qualifications. This permission can be assigned to a user that doesn’t have normal agency admin permissions so they can edit only the qualification information.

AdHoc reports: Allows users to create custom reports using the AdHoc reporting tool.

Access Invoices: This permission allows a user to access any invoices between BidSync and the government agency.

Qualification notifications: Will notify users every time a vendor submits a qualification for the user's agency.

Preferred vendor notifications: Will notify the users every time a preferred supplier changes information on the vendor account.


Source will include permissions for creating, releasing and awarding bids.

Bid Opening: This permission gives a user the ability to open and decrypt closed bids.

Allow Co-op Bid Notifications: This permission gives a user the ability to receive a notification each time a Co-op bid is created.

Allow General Bid Notifications: This permission gives a user the ability to receive a notification each time a bid is created that meets the user’s classifications code selection.

Add Addenda To Bids: This permission allows a user to create and release addendums for live/current bids.

Answer Bid Questions: This permission allows a user to respond to questions that are asked online by suppliers on bids but does not allow them to edit any other information associated with the bid. By default, the bid contact and any user that has bid creation rights have access to respond to bid questions as well.

Append To Coop Bids: This permission allows a user to add quantities into Co-op bids.

Award Bids: This permission gives a user the ability to review and award bids. Only users that have this permission will have the ability to finalize the awarding of a bid.

Create Bids with Lots: This permission allows a user to create bids with lots or categories in them. This permission must be assigned by Agency Support before the user can create lots.

Create and Revise Bids: This permission allows a user to create, revise and release bids. This permission is different from “Create Held Only” because the user will be able to go through the whole creation process and then release the auction to the public.

Edit All Bids (Super User Edit): This permission gives a user access to perform actions on any bid. The actions they can perform depend on other privileges such as “Create and Revise Bids”, “Release Bids”, “Retracts Bids” and so on.

Manage Pre-Bid Conferences: This permission allows a user to manage pre-bid conferences. For online conferences, users with this privilege are allowed to start and end a conference, select transcript options and mute other users during the conference. For location conferences, users are allowed to manually enter the transcript and attendance records. Users who have bid creation rights are also allowed to manage conferences.

Pre-Award Only: This permission gives a user permission to review a bid before it has been awarded. (They must also have the permission to award and finalize the bid.) This user will only be able to view the bid.

Pre-Award Bid Without Seeing Price: This permission allows a user to view a closed bid that has not yet been awarded, but does not allow the user to view the prices the supplier entered.

Release Bids:This permission allows a user to release bids that they have created. If a user has Superuser privileges, he can release all bids that have been approved.

Reports: This permission allows a user to run reports for bids. If the user has restricted bid access (i.e., they can only create RFQs or only Quick Quotes), they will only be able to generate reports for their own bids. If the user has access to create all bid types, they will have full access to all bid reports.

Retract Bids: This permission allows a user to retract a bid after it has started. A bid can be canceled regardless whether offers have been placed or not.

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